Inauguration of the first "The vision2020 Book Bank" |
So this concep is as an Operating System in which we have to execute all the program of our life. as we know without OS we cann't install or execute any software.and also we know that the nauguration of OS should be easy to use and safe. "The vision2020 Book Bank" is such OS which can develop a positive environment in our society.It can delet all type of viruses as corruption , illegal works , uneducation , anarchy , terrorism , mawowist , naxality , dishonesty , fraud etc from its root. As we know our country is strugglling with such type of viruses. Without deleting such viruse from our society ,we cann't achieve the goal of vision2020.
The following is the steps for set up a "The Vision2020 Book Bank" in rural area.
1. First of all , we meet Mukhiya of a village and say our mission for opening the Book Bank there.
2. After meeting with Mukhiya , we select some honarable men in that village and taking support at huge level.
3. Now we select a safe location where we kept a box in which anyone can drop books.
4. After 2-3 days ,we collect the books .
5. Meanwhile ,we motivate the villagers for donation of books only no money.
6. We request for a place where we can open the library with the name "Satyadarshan Library".(till we have three library in Champaran,Bihar).
7. it is open with the help of some local students who can manage the library and books.
8. we arrange at least two news paper and some magazines by funding of some honrable men of village.